Kuyichi is ranked Leading again by Textile Exchange


About Textile Exchange’s CFMB program

Textile Exchange is a nonprofit organisation working on material change since 2002 and benchmarking material use since 2015. Textile Exchange’s Corporate Fiber & Material Benchmark (CFMB) program is a transparency benchmark program where companies can voluntarily reveal their material sourcing strategies. The program provides participating companies with valuable insights and learning opportunities using the Material Change Index (MCI). This index tracks participating companies’ progress in sustainable materials sourcing and rates them according to alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals and their transition to a circular economy.


‘Leading’ three years in a row

We’ve been participating in the CFMB since 2017 and started at the ‘Maturing’ level. But, for three years in a row now, we’re ranked at the ‘Leading’ level, which means we are pioneering industry transformation. This is already a major achievement, but of course, the benchmark program scores also show us where there is room for improvement. In the coming years, we will try to improve where we can to stay in the Leading category and keep our pioneering position!

Results of the CFMB since 2019 can be found on the Material Change page of Textile Exchange.

CFMB Results

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