Cotton in conversion: support the organic revolution

What is cotton in conversion?

Cotton in conversion is the cotton fibre produced during the period where a conventional cotton farm transitions to organic cotton production. This process takes up to three years, in which farmers focus on soil health. The farmer follows organic farming practices during the conversion period, but the cotton fibre is not yet certified organic. Instead, the cotton harvested from the field during the transition period can be certified as cotton in conversion. The only difference between organic and in-conversion cotton is that the farm is in the transition period. The farmer follows the same farming requirements.

Why do we use cotton in conversion?

We use cotton in conversion because we are committed to sourcing organic cotton, but we are also willing to support farmers during their transition to organic farming methods. That is why we started a cotton in conversion project with our denim mill Bossa. As the demand for organic cotton increases, providing farmers with more incentives to make the switch to organic is crucial. We should take accountability and incorporate in-conversion cotton in our supply chains so that future supply meets the demand. By going back to the source of our cotton, we rebuild the relationships in our supply chain and can directly contribute to positive change in the field.

Read more about why farmers struggle with switching to organic cotton.


To put cotton in conversion on the market, a farmer must provide proof of organic farming under one of the standards that fall under the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM). IFOAM standards are checked by endorsed companies, also known as certification bodies. These certification bodies perform audits at the farm to check if they follow organic practices and procedures during the three transition years. Through these audits, the cotton can get certified as organic or organic cotton in conversion. We use this proof to validate that the cotton in our capsule collection is, in fact, cotton in conversion.

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