Why we want you to buy consciously (and skip the Black Friday sale)

Black Friday celebrations

Black Friday is annually ‘celebrated’ the day after Thanksgiving and is the biggest starting signal for sales each year. Where the day before we all counted our blessings, we now excitedly count our achieved discount. Where the day before, we claimed to be grateful for all wealth, we suddenly seem to not have enough. It might not surprise you that Black Friday is not our thing. We want to speak out against the system that arouses dissatisfaction and is not making us happier in the long term.


The impact down the chain

This upsets us. Because not only the environment is at the expense of our overconsuming. But the lives of the people who make our clothes as well. Most people never consider how much impact it has when a new item goes over the counter. We have gotten disconnected from the people who work day and night to provide us with our endless demand for new garments. Our planet counts around 40 million people that work in the garment industry, 85% being women. Most of them live overseas, and their working conditions are far from what most of us in the West are used to. Their wages are not enough to even serve the basic needs of them and their families, let alone get an education. As long as we are not willing to pay an honest price for our wardrobe, they will take the hit. Coming Friday, prices that are already unfairly low will become even lower. And that is nothing but pure tragedy. One of the solutions for you as a customer is starting to buy less, and when you buy new stuff, choose sustainable and vintage items. Are you ready to open your eyes to take in the mess we made? To take in what we are doing to our planet? To take in how we practically steal from the garment workers by accepting and demanding such low prices? Are you ready to let common sense speak, and will you skip Black Friday? 

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